
Eric de Vries, “My Battle”
Winterkälte’s Eric de Vries confronts mortality head on with his first solo record while maintaining the rhythmic density and intensity of his extant work.

Observer: Qual & CIERŃ
New EPs by Qual and CIERŃ are considered.

Drew McDowall, “A Thread, Silvered and Trembling”
Electro-acoustic harmonies create a contemplative and almost sacred mood on the latest from master experimentalist Drew McDowall.

Skull Cultist, “Hardcore Rituals”
Canadian project delivers an LP of crunchy, entertaining industrial that dips its toes into a variety of styles.

Observer: Kris Baha & Purgate
Capsule reviews of new records by Kris Baha and Purgate.

ANI, “Folie à deux”
The debut from the Edmonton duo provides some much-needed warmth and weirdness to modern darkwave.

Synapscape, “Decadenz”
A double EP release points to Synapscape’s early, brutal roots as well as their more experimental side.

Bel Canto, “Radiant Green”
After more than twenty year on hiatus, ethereal/dream-pop royalty Bel Canto return with a record reflective of their maturity.

Me The Tiger, “Envy”
Swedish electropop act Me The Tiger return with a new LP of fist-pumping anthems for Progress Productions.

Black Asteroid, “Infinite Darkness”
Bryan Black’s Black Asteroid releases an LP with a wide range of guests, but that retains his trademark electro-body production style.

Klack, “Modern Production”
The Klack lads put work into having fun on their latest record of new beat/EBM party tracks.

MVTANT, “Electronic Body Horror”
A tight and minimalist trek to the roots of post-industrial music serves MVTANT well on the project’s first full-length.