Hallows, “All That Is True”
The first LP from Seattle’s Hallows maintains a hazy atmosphere as it moves through different arrangements of post-punk and darkwave markers.
HANTE., “Morning Tsunami”
Hante.’s new LP digs deeper into her specific iteration of cool, hypnotic darkwave.
Observer: Cult of Alia & ATT Corp
Thoughts on new releases by Cult of Alia & ATT Corp.
Blu Anxxiety, “Plaay Dead”
NYC’s Blu Anxxiety defy genre rules and expectations on their deathrock by way of freestyle LP “Plaay Dead”
Nuovo Testamento, “New Earth”
Nuovo Testamento take a hard turn from darkwave into a sunny fusion of freestyle and italo.
Observer: Harsh R & Aleister Blake
Thoughts on new EPs from Harsh R & Aleister Blake
Double Echo, “☾”
Lunar title aside, the new LP from Double Echo finds the darkwave trio taking a brighter turn.
Infravision, “Illegal Future”
Kendal and Pablo Bozzi ply a specific vision of the retro-future on their debut as Infravision.
Sixth June, “1984”
Darkwave duo Sixth June release an ambitious and hypnotic forty-one minute single composition.
The second record from Costa Rica’s TVMVLVS TABIDVS slightly focuses their dense and intriguing style of deathrock.
Jason Priest, “Jason Priest is Missing”
Antoni Maiovvi brings his experience as a producer and studio hand to his post-punk and new wave project Jason Priest.
Observer: Lycia & Ritual Veil
Capsule reviews of new releases by Lycia and Ritual Veil.