Winter Severity Index, “DISGELO”
Winter Severity Index tilt towards a more expressly darkwave style while still retaining their understated charm.
Observer: Michael Idehall & Mollbury Medical Research Centre
Thoughts on new EPs by Michael Idehall and Mollbury Medical Research Centre.
Author & Punisher, “Krüller”
The new Author & Punisher LP uses industrial percussion to buttress a melodic and even elegant strain of doom.
ESA, “Designer Carnage”
Jamie Blacker adds so many different sounds and ideas to his already complex and potent rhythmic noise.
Observer: Deeper Graves & Her Noise is Violence
Capsule reviews of new releases by Deeper Graves and Her Noise is Violence.
iVardensphere, “Ragemaker”
Scott Fox leaves behind growling analogue synths in favour of complex percussion and orchestral ambitions on the 8th iVardensphere LP.
Plastic Estate, self-titled
Plastic Estate’s debut offers a varied blend of artful yet poppy post-punk.
Observer: Ćyan ID & Garden Of Beleth
Short-form reviews of new records by Ćyan ID and Garden Of Beleth.
Tineidae, “Mothership”
Lively and bubbling ambiance guides Tineidae’s second sortie into deep space.
The Devil & the Universe, “GOATopia”
a+w mainstays The Devil & The Universe are back with more hedonistic jams for your pagan rave.
Observer: Pablo Bozzi & Missing Witness
Short reviews of new EPs by Pablo Bozzi and Missing Witness.
Traitrs, “Horses in the Abbatoir”
Toronto duo Traitrs have consistency on their side on their latest LP of doomy post-punk.