Spike Hellis, self-titled
Mutant EBM, sleek funk, and eerie minimalism combine on Spike Hellis’ impressive proper debut.
Observer: Puerta Negra
Brief thoughts on the debut EP from Peurta Negra.
Statiqbloom, “Threat”
A striking change-up from Statiqbloom carries the project’s aesthetic over to a distinctly techno-driven template.
Observer: Gorgyra
Experimental/classical project Gorgyra taps into ancient mythic and musical traditions.
The Legendary Pink Dots, “The Museum Of Human Happiness”
The Legendary Pink Dots’ new album is a stunning reminder of their depth, power, and beauty, and might be the storied band’s best record in decades.
Curses, “Incardine”
Curses maintains his control of cinematic body music while reaching out into goth and post-punk territory on his new LP.
At The Heart Of The World, “Inosculate”
Mean and grimy electro-industrial from the PNW courtesy of At The Heart Of The World.
Observer: Blakmoth & Anaerobic
Thoughts on new EPs by Blakmoth and Anaerobic.
Rue Oberkampf, “Liebe”
The delicate but immediate coldwave of Rue Oberkampf’s sophomore record gracefully slides into club and home contexts.
Militia, “The Black Flag Hoisted”
Eco-anarchist group Militia rerecord their magnum opus of martial industrial and percussive experimentation.
defrag, “Float”
defrag returns with their signature blend of technoid sound design and emotive songs.
Collide, “Notes from the Universe”
Long-running darkwave act Collide are all about the subtler pleasures on their new LP.