Principe Valiente, self-titled
An ambitious debut which uses a familiar post-punk template to field-test a variety of moods.
Read MoreAn ambitious debut which uses a familiar post-punk template to field-test a variety of moods.
Read MoreA sophomore futurepop/dark electro record which isn’t going to reinvent the wheel, but delivers a polished set of tracks and stellar turns from an excellent vocalist.
Read MoreSome bands just sound like other bands. A lot like other bands. Almost in a legally actionable way like other bands. Here’s a quick rundown of some highlights or lowlights: you be the judge.
Read MorePosted by Bruce | Jul 22, 2011 | The Unquiet Grave | 5
A profile of classic French goth rock outfit Corpus Delicti in our new column, The Unquiet Grave.
Read MoreA somber slab of moody cuts from Miracle, The March Violets, Snake Dance, and Principe Valiente.
Read MoreA minimal, aggressive and uncompromising EBM record which makes nods to Portion Control and acid house.
Read MoreRonny Moorings’ latest won’t change any opinions on contemporary Xymox material: while there are plenty of stronger entries in their catalog, the faithful should find a few of Darkest Hour‘s gloomier tracks to their liking.
Read MoreIn addition to Pretentious, Moi?, one of the best discoveries I’d made in recent years in...
Read MoreFrom time to time we’ll be posting tracks we’re feeling from recent releases: nothing more, nothing less. This time out: Kirlian Camera, Decree, Nosferatu, House Of Usher, Light Asylum
Read MorePromising debut from dark electro act which polishes and refines a familiar template.
Read MoreCarrying on from what Alex wrote, one of the few commonalities that seems to tie Our Thing...
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