A 2001 record which was rather out of step with industrial club styles of the time, Stromkern’s Armageddon proved to cast a long thematic shadow as well as stand the test of time musically. We’re discussing Ned Kirby’s electro-acoustic arrangements, the eerie political polyvalence of its addressing of fanaticism, and how the album left a mark on the midwest industrial scene in this month’s Patreon-supported commentary podcast. As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Podcasts, download directly, or listen through the widget down below.
This was a brilliant listen, cheers. Whenever this question is positioned, which long dormant band you’d wish to hear from again, my answer remains: Stromkern and Babyland. But, in a way, I’m so happy that I can give the same answer with every passing year, because the legacy of these bands and their records doesn’t seem to erode for me. Going back to their work never ceases to disappoint me, I feel you never leave their catalogues truly hungry, sans the nostalgia.