Nagamatzu bringing incredible hair game to Ipswich.
After a few weeks of holidays, medical leave, and 10th anniversary celebrations we’re back to our usual schedule here at the site, including a classic two albums format episode of the podcast. This week we’re discussing the 1994 crossover success of Delerium’s Semantic Spaces, wherein an ambient/industrial side-project primed itself to become a mainstream phenomenon hybridizing trance, trip-hop, and “world” music, and the final missive from Ipswich experimentalists Nagamatzu, whose 1991 record Igniting The Corpse pushed sampling and neo-classical sketching ahead of their post-punk and minimal synth roots. You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
Anything with Andrew Lagowski should get more love. Criminally underrated. I hold many of his releases (esp. under the Lagowski moniker) with the same high regard as I do Clock DVA or early Klinik.
Thanks Steven and idieyoudie guys 🙂
Also, I would love to hear you guys have a wide-ranging conversation about the less celebrated Leeb/Fulber sideprojects (Intermix, Pro>Tech, Equinox, Synaethesia, etc. etc.).