Synthetische Lebensform
Current Profile

It’s been five years since Synthetische Lebensform’s last full LP Symmetry, which served as our introduction to the Russian duo’s take on the classic post-industrial sound. The appropriately-titled Current Profile is still indebted musically to their influences – largely Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly – but demonstrates the band’s increased skill in musical design and arrangement, and the commensurate growth in the strength of their material.

If you had to summarize briefly summarize Current Profile, a term like ‘snappy’ would apply; songs come out of the gate swinging, get to the point quickly, and don’t overstay their welcome. The record’s first proper track “Hunter” kicks off with some properly rivetted percussion and samples, cruises through the first verse into the chorus, switches things up with some vocoder, tosses in a bridge that bleeds into the final verse and then bows out, all in three and a half minutes. That approach to getting as much into the songs as possible without bloating them applies equally to their sound design; “Synthetic Parasite” is very in your face with its warbly and wormy synths and thudding drums, seeding the chorus and putting it over the top with each repetition, but never feels cluttered or lacking in focus.

While the Vancouver sound is still very much their guiding light, there’s a noticeable improvement in the band’s hooks and melodies. Standout “Mystic Visions” will definitely recall FLA in its vocal phrasing, but also takes lessons from the classic Leeb/Fulber bassline-as-hook school of songwriting, accenting its punchy rhythm some percussive breakdowns and a spare lead, an approach that works especially well on when applied to their EBM-leaning moments like “Crime” and “Dust”. The album climaxes with “Distance”, a melancholic anthem that recalls the widescreen sounds of :SITD: and Necro Facility as much as it does their more obvious influences and serves as a consolidation of their approach to electro-industrial.

Current Profile is a true calling card for Synthetische Lebensform; there’s certainly no shortage of bands drinking from the same creative well, but only a few ever figure out how to put their own stamp on those ur-sounds. It’s not a reinvention of the band so much as it is a considerable level up, taking what they already had dialed-in and then tuning it to be most effective in each individual song, a thematically appropriate technical approach to the creation of their cybernetic sound. Recommended.

Buy it.