DHI (Death And Horror Inc)
Recorded a couple of days early so as to allow each member of the Senior Staff to fulfill our patriotic duty and go see Skinny Puppy live, this episode has us scratching our heads and offering thoughts about the ways in which Canada’s identity, history, and geography has and hasn’t shaped the darker music made within the true north. As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or listen through the widget down below.
Interesting discussion on this topic, guys. Having lived in Halifax for a couple of years, the dearth of a goth/industrial scene in Halifax was very apparent to me, but it also struck me that there seemed to be a big metal scene (if I recall correctly), and made me wonder what social factors may inspire one community over another. Though I did have the good fortune of finding some used Coil and other Industrial CDs while I was there, so that’s something…
What years were you in Halifax? I left in 2004, and my experience was that aside from our goth night at the Marquee it was a pretty disengaged scene.
I was there 07-09 for school. I think a monthly goth night started the Fall of 2008, but I can’t remember the specifics. It was refreshing having something, but I don’t remember it particularly scratching my industrial itch…
The most interesting thing I came across was an open-mic night on Mondays at Reflections, with some noisier and more playful music, but none of it fit in “our thing”.
Yeah that was a couple years after I left the city. Glad to hear that at least at that time reflections was still going strong.