Midway through the spookiest month of the shittiest year, and things don’t seem to be slowing down at all. Fall is both our “take stock” and our “catch up” time at the block, but the sheer amount of EVERYTHING has left us little time for reflection. Far be it from us to offer advice – we’re just two nerds who like to talk about records – but we’ve found that a little focus on the music you like; even if it’s old and familiar it helps center and position you to be able to take in the world and it’s complexities. It might even prime the pump for some new stuff why not?

The Full Fulber, Rhys
Rhys Fulber, “Charleroi”
To no one’s surprise, Rhys Fulber’s taken to recent TBM sounds like a fish to water. While we’ve been enjoying his recent run of 12″s for Sonic Groove, aufnahme + wiedergabe and the like, we were pleasantly surprised to learn that his new Resolve EP finds him showcasing an entirely different style. Comprised of grimy atmospherics and thick ambiance, pieces like this one offer cinematic exploration of urban landscapes, and give Fulber’s talent for pure sound design plenty of room.
Leaether Strip, “Nature’s Revenge”
Claus Larsen’s allegiance to Skinny Puppy is well-documented; on top of generally showing love for the kings of the Vancouver school, Leaether Strip has covered Puppy numerous times. Enter Throwing Bones, a massive 26 track (plus instrumentals) collection of Puppy covers, from all eras. And hey, it also features some kind of mash-up of “Assimilate” and The Human League’s “Empire State Human”, which we would very much like to hear. This drops mid-November, and if you’re on the fence about pre-ordering it, have a listen to “Nature’s Revenge” and be ready to hit up Bandcamp right after.
Die Krupps, “The Number One Song in Heaven”
Speaking of venerable industrial scene acts doing covers, Die Krupps have been releasing all manner of singles in that vein recently. Some have been decent (like their take on Neon Judgment’s “Chinese Black”) others less good (their version of Microchip League’s “New York” is so straight as to be pointless) but gosh if Jurgen and the boys don’t come out swinging with this version of Sparks’ “The Number One Song in Heaven”. The original is such a joyous number and DK don’t work against that, inhabiting it in all its camp glory but with a bit of high-speed EBM flavour. Next do “Moustache”.
Rabbit Junk, “Neurodivergent”
Pacific Northwest mainstay cyberpunkers Rabbit Junk release their new LP Xenospheres in a few weeks, and have released “Neurodivergent” as a taster. The band have always had something of a cult following, supported both by their recorded material and their live extemely energetic liveshow. If you’re in the mood for some digital hardcore tinged industrial rock with some fun electropop hooks tossed in why not hit play on the track embedded below? It should prove very satisfying.
Pullo, “Astle Rune (Sunmantra Remix)”
There’s lots to like on the new Oberwave compilation. The Russian outfit’s collected a clutch of polished and slinky darkwave and EBM bangers, mostly hailing from their native climes, but also reaching all the way to Indonesia in the form of this mix. Post-punk act Pullo have some serious weight and speed (think The Foreign Resort with hints of shoegaze), but get some doomy giallo excess added here. Hat tip to Rev. John for this one.
A Stick And A Stone, “Sullivan”
Pivoting from the interview with Alsarath we published last week, here’s something from a new compilation of anti-fascist neofolk. Curated by Left/Folk and the A Blaze Ansuz blog, In Solidarity features Alsarath and seventeen other acts, with all proceeds from the comp going to the National Bail Fund. This tune from Oregon’s A Stick And A Stone has a stark and harrowing mood that’s simultaneously frail and resilient.