The passing of Genesis P-Orridge is a massive thing to process, so much so that we don’t feel like we have a grasp of how to address it here at I Die: You Die. This space is obviously too small and inappropriate for any real examination of who Gen was, and what legacy both personal and artistic is – we’re planning a discussion for We Have a Technical this week with a focus less on memorial than personal impact of her work – so suffice to say that for good and ill (a duality addressed frequently in her work) Genesis P-Orridge leaves the world of music a different place than she entered it.

Years of Denial
Unconscious, “Molecules”
Italy’s Unconscious has been good for a dose of thudding, old-school inflected EBM productions every six months for a while now, but with forthcoming ten-track LP Regnum Novum from X-IMG on the horizon so shortly after last year’s excellent You Belong To Me Now, it seems like Andrea Riberti’s on a creative tear. A metallic kicker like this track bodes well for the full release, and should appeal to classic rivetheads, new-school techno aficionados, and synthwavers alike.
Years of Denial, “Human You Scare Me (Silent Servant Remix)”
Ashamed to say we completely overlooked Years of Denial’s debut LP for Veyl when it dropped late last year during end of year chaos. Have a feeling we’ll be making up for lost time now though, as we’ve always got a yen for moody, industrialized darkwave and EBM sounds and that seems to be what the duo are all about. Figure we’ll start with their new remix EP – featuring contributions from Silent Servant, Broken English Club and Orphx – and move backwards through their discography.
Fractured Transmission, “Their Families Needed Closure”
While the first release in the Valley Electronics series found Nick Viola exploring pure noise and sound design, on the follow-up EP he’s stripping his roots in rhythmic noise and dark techno down to the barest elements. Each of the EP’s four tracks is built around grinding loops that bludgeon but also begin to morph and hypnotize, as with this track in which a scraping beat seems to rub backwards against the flow of the bass.
grabyourface, “Summer on Saturn (Haunted remix by Caustic)”
New remix EP from grabyourface features this unusually reserved entry from Matt Fanale as Caustic. While Matt has definitely shown an aptitude for atmospherics in his various musical endeavours it’s not often you get to hear him go full post-punk atmospheric as you do here. And why not, when working with the the ultra-moody original, a highlight from grabyourface’s small but intriguing body of work. Check out the EP on Bandcamp, it also features mixes by Covenant, Jean-Marc Lederman, planetdamage and others.
Private Service, “Body Alteration”
Fluid but utterly subterranean moves on this track from the forthcoming Nature Unjust EP by relative newcomer Private Service. The blending of dub vibes in with contemporary dark techno and EBM sounds feels so natural here that it’s kind of shocking we haven’t come across more stuff with this particular mixture of elements. It all comes together to produce a contemplative and surprisingly relaxing mood.
Marc Heal, “Emerge”
Posted on his FB as a simple “getting used to a new set-up” demo track, “Emerge” is exactly the sort of thing we go to Marc Heal for. Banging industrial drums? Incisive bassline? Old testament style wrathful vocals? Yes to all of the above. Whether this track is destined for a future Cubanate release, a solo effort or something else entirely, we’re never not excited to hear new material from Heal.