To tide things over during the winter break, we’re tackling a landmark compilation in the history of industrial: the old reliable Blackbox. A stable of DJs everywhere, the compilation didn’t just serve to cement the legacy of Wax Trax! Records, but helped to define the sound of industrial music in North America throughout the 90s. We’ll be doing a track by track commentary of each disc over the next couple of weeks, starting now! You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
We Have a Commentary: The Black Box Disc One

A world of YES! I was hoping we’d get around to this sooner or later. Or a four part THERE IS NO TIME episode, hahaha.
Or a quarter-length ACID HORSE episode, but I digress. 🙂
Haha, we considered doing There is No Time but it was kind of daunting 🙂