We got a classic two album podcast for you this week, with the Senior Staff discussing the baroque technoid elegance of Architect’s “Consume Adapt Create” and the chill genre pastiche of Snow In China’s “Electromensch”. Also: Brazilian drag queen covers of Front 242? We have you covered on the latest episode of We Have A Technical! You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
We Have a Technical 286: House of Angry Cats

Haha, the song you guys are discussing 06:45 is Dead Market! 😛
any chance you know where to find the original headhunter cover video? all i see are janky vj re-edits on yt.
Yeah, seems to have been taken down, not sure at whose behest. Don’t know where the original is, sadly. 🙁