2003’s Damaged by Razed In Black is the subject of this month’s Patreon backed and Patreon selected We Have A Commentary. A real “call Is coming from inside the house” record, RiB’s unabashed blend of goth and industrial is very much both a product of its time and the vision of one writer and producer, Romell Regulacion. As it turns out, the Senior Staff have quite varied experiences with and opinions of the record, so gear up and be ready to head back to the futurepop-shocked club floors of the early aughts. You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
We Have a Commentary: Razed in Black, “Damaged”

One of my all time faves… thanks guys, really enjoyable. I’m surprised you didn’t know “Never Meant” had an original version on the previous album “Sacrificed” (1999), especially since Alex seems to be a fan. For the record, the original is better but very much a product of the time. Cheers!
Haven’t listened to ‘Damaged’ in over a decade but it’s fantastic to return to a familiar pool of emotions without the sense of embarrassment that often taints those ‘of their time’ records that were never produced well enough to survive the dissolution of trends. Cheers gentlemen for a trip down the memory lane and thumbs up for that hair cutting skirmish!
Hey Guys. I appreciate the in-depth commentary revisiting this album. I especially appreciate the thorough research done prior as well, from my side projects, remixes, and deejaying that were definitely a direct effect on the song writing and production, to even personal aspects; being aware of my life as a stylist, my affection of customizing cars, and my musical stints in random places. That was quite a surprise to hear. That you guys continue to mention the era that this was produced I feel makes a difference in the commentary. Much of your theories on this were spot on. It was really interesting to hear critique this many years later Thank you.
Thanks also for noticing the emotion behind some of the songs too. It’s true, they all are personal, even the campy cringy lines. I intended for the music to reflect what I’ve been trying to convey lyrically. Glad to hear some of it blended well enough to translate.
Reliving the times the songs were written, much of elements just happened because it felt right. The subgenres of the Gothic and Industrial scene back then were so vast. I felt lucky to have the freedom to pull from wherever within me if that’s what I heard in my head, even if that musical element would normally live outside of the scene. To hear where you’ve predicted the inspiration could have come from was interesting. Some were correct and sometimes a realization only because it’s pointed out. I’m aware some Razed In Black tracks on it’s own might be argumentative to place in the genre, but my heart has always and forever been in the Gothic and Industrial world. It still comes from me.
Mahalo Bruce and Alex! I absolutely enjoyed this!
Maybe I’ll get to work on an acoustic version of Come Back To Me ☺