One half of the Senior Staff took in the four days of rivethead festivities in the Windy City this past weekend, Cold Waves Chicago! We have a full report on all the goings on from both the main stage and the after parties, and best of all we have interviews with the likes of Bootblacks, Chemlab, Twin Tribes, Andi Harriman, and Sean Payne. Whether you’re looking to catch up on what you missed out on or are looking to relive all the Wax Traxy fun, this week’s episode of We Have A Technical has you covered. You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
We Have A Technical 279: Cold Waves Chicago

Meeting you Bruce was a pleasure! Taller than my wildest expectations, i’ll certainly take you up on a Vancouver beer tour if/when i get a chance to get up there, thanks for all the Chicago love!