In the same vein as last year’s Ain’t It Dead Yet? episode, this month’s We Have A Commentary is a Rifftrax-style accompaniment to Mnistry’s 1990 tour video In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up. Cue the video up, crack a beer, and join the Senior Staff on the couch as they discuss how Ministry fit into the alternative boom of the early 90s, how the differing eras of Ministry’s sound have (and have not) lent themselves to live performance, and the all-star cast of industrialists wrangled onstage. As always, this episode of We Have A Commentary is made possible with the generous supporters of our backers at Don’t forget to rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
We Have A Commentary: Ministry, “In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up”

I think they were actually required to put up all that fencing at the venue, sure Al mentions it in his biography.
Great commentary, I’ll have to go back and listen to the SP one. Ogre is credited as keyboards, guitars, and vocals in the CD, so he might’ve been jamming on keyboards during the ambiguous shot of him in the background. I’ve seen Ministry about 4 times, and recent, too. They played “Stigmata” at a recent one in Detroit. I was bounce-dancing while most older people were viewing Al & Co. in reverence. Strange future for them.
The majority of the footage was one from one Show in Indiana. Then they recorded a second show with everyone wearing the same outfits and spliced them together in post..