The smoked-out Ballardian nightmarescape which has held Vancouver in its grasp for the past few weeks looks to be receding, and we at ID:UD HQ have been able to forget about climate apocalypses long enough to build up a healthy stack of new tracks (more than we could fit in one post if we’re being honest). We’ve talked here and on the podcast about some of the trends we’ve been noticing in new music this year (namely darkwave, darkwave, and more darkwave), but we’re always curious as to whether our experiences are matching up with those of others. What sounds or styles are you noticing in your neck of the woods? Let us know in the comments after checking out these six tunes.

SRSQ. Beach goth game on point.
Sigsaly, “Your Enemy”
Vanncouver’s Sigsaly only have an EP and a few other tracks to their name, but are developing so rapidly with each new song it’s hard to draw a bead on exactly where they sit stylistically. Also known for their work as darkwave act Koban, the duo have embraced a fully synthetic aesthetic with this project, integrating sharp rhythm programming with some foggy textures that put us in mind of current “it” acts like Boy Harsher. Check the new one below and keep your ears open, these cats are poised for big things sooner rather than later.
Henric De La Cour, “Kowalski Was Here”
We’re not sure if the Kowalski in the title of this tune refers to either Leon from Blade Runner, wrestling legend Killer Kowalski, or some other figure, but regardless it’s just nice to have Henric De La Cour back in action. The loping beat and wary vocal melodies are just what we’ve come to expect from one of Sweden’s best exports, but the flurry of Hammond organ which carries this tune is something else. Certainly works, though. HDLC’s third solo LP, Gimme Daggers, will be out on September 14th and you can bet we’ll have something to say about it.
SRSQ, “The Martyr”
The release of Them Are Us Too’s Amends was of great importance to ourselves and many others for obvious reasons, but TAUT’s Kennedy Ashlyn has more in store. Her solo SRSQ project releases its debut Unreality this fall, and the first piece from it shows off the gossamer synths and impassioned, unmistakable vocal presence Kennedy’s been stunning listeners with for the past several years.
H ø R D, “RFLX”
The unofficial year of darkwave rolls right along with this new vid from France’s H ø R D. Simply composed and full of oppressive but still gauzy synths, “RFLX” is a good, no-frills example of how new darkwave can work, and the vid was shot by long-time fried of the site Daevina Danyluck to boot. Factor in an appearance from Bestial Mouths’ Lynette Cerezo and some additional help from Sally Dige and we’re talking about a dark synth superproject.
Daddybear, “Raw God”
Industrial grade techno from friend of the site Matt Fanale, aka Caustic. While Matt’s own releases in his main project have been displaying a goodly bit of classic EBM lately, Daddybear keys into the space where beat-driven dance music and groovy body music are essentially one and the same. Solid instrumental dancefloor material from an artist who has been showing off some unheralded subtlety in his personal productions of late.
Whiteqube, “Design Flaws”
Whiteqube continue their evolution from outlandish techno to uptempo crossover sounds with new track “Design Flaws”, a taster for a forthcoming EP of the same name. Of course the addition of vocals and that club ready sound doesn’t mean the LA duo have lost the cheekiness and fun that first brought them to our attention; it’s still in full effect here and helps put this one over the proverbial top. Solid stuff.