The Senior Staff try to save records of note from the memory hole on this episode of We Have A Technical. Alex and Bruce petitioj for why each of the five records they’ve picked which are currently out of print deserve a reissue. What oddball corners of genre crossover will be explored? Which overlooked pioneers will be championed? Tune in to find out, as well as getting the skinny on recent sets by Rational Youth and Psyche. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
Have some patience on that Blok 57 and Malaria 😉 😉 😉
Test Dept. – Gododdin.
The Horatii yesss! I have fond memories of pre-club, 6 goths in a bedroom warm ups consisting almost entirely of Sachets of Love and Darryl / Alicia. Two brilliant albums, arch delivery, wonderful bouncy bass work and witty as fuck!