Mlada Fronta rocks the party
Texture and rhythm heavy records by Mlada Fronta and Zex Model come under the microscope in this week’s episode of We Have A Technical! From Rémy Pelleschi’s stockade of breaks, dub, and techno beats to Paul Von Aphid finding ways of reworking the classic drippy electro-industrial template of Skinny Puppy, Bruce and Alex are ready to talk turkey about “High Tension” and “Mind Slaughter”. All that, some live updates and plenty more on this week’s episode of the IDieYouDie.com podcast! Don’t forget to rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, or download directly or stream from Spotify or the widget down below.
I don’t think you guys talk too fast, and I can tell the difference between the two of you just fine.
Caveat – I’m a mediocre white guy in his late 30’s from Wisconsin, so…
I have listened to the last few minutes of the podcast about five times so I could get the name of the band from the end track, and I cannot understand what the name is. Conmforeigner? Comfortor? Any help would be greatly appreciated
Conformco! Sorry for mumbling it 🙂 https://conformco.bandcamp.com/