We Have a Technical 160: Bite Your Tongue

On this week’s episode of them podcast, some of our Patreon backers join us to talk about a trio of records that hail from right here in Vancouver. This kind of came together completely by coincidence, but we’re always happy to talk the enduring appeal of records from right here in the heartland of Canadian Industrial. We also (smack)talk some NIN, the Cold Waves Los Angeles line-up, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, and more! All this week on We Have a Technical, from the folks at I Die: You Die! As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, download directly or stream from the widget down below.
When Stanley Pain came out I was a Skinny Puppy neophyte. I remember picking it up based on the SP connection and the cover art. At the time I remember really liking some of the tracks like Suni C (still one of my favorite opening tracks of all time), Glassblower, Base Metal and Sidewinder (love the Sidewinder Snake mix from the single EP also), but the rest was still a little too far out there for me at the time. I have since come to love the entire album and it’s really the only Download album I would say I love. Phil actually recently released it on his Bandcamp page which has me listening to it a lot again.
Also as a side note, while listening to the amazing Street Sects album End Position, I was thinking they must be big fans of The Turin Cloud.