It’s a Swedish synth two-fer on this week’s episode of the podcast, as we discuss records by Henric de la Cour and S.P.O.C.K.! What paths lead to Henric’s strange mix of gothic excess and classic pop? How does S.P.O.C.K.’s nostalgia for the futures of the past fit into the broader histories of science fiction and synthpo? Also, some dishing on the recent VOWWS/White Lies show in Vancouver. As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below.
We Have a Technical 143: 2D in 3D

Huh…I saw White Lies in Toronto, they played all but one song off the new album and 2 songs from the first.
Huh, odd! Maybe they just run a really fluid set from night to night?
They had a lot of crowd interaction at out show with crowd singing, could have adjusted for more of that.
you were wondering about current relationship between Christian Berg / Kite and HDLC – check this out
Oh man that is super cool!
BRILLIANT. Thanks for this!
I saw them at Gotik Treffen and a smaller venue in Sacramento and both were great.
“Discovered” White Lies through this. Cheers!
It seems as though I’ve never given SPOCK a fair hearing, which I blame entirely on eagerly dismissive vaguely trollish cynicism that plagued my late teen years. Between this podcast and that remix of Beborn Beton’s 24/7, I reconsider and ask – “What the hell was I thinking?!” Great stuff, here.