It’s the time of the month when we record and release one of our special We Have a Commentary podcasts, supported by our backers at Patreon! The album this month was selected by our patrons, and overwhelmingly they wanted to hear us talk about Laibach’s landmark LP “Opus Dei”. Thrill to the Queen references, both overt and hidden as we chat about the lasting power of the NSK’s most populist statement! As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below.
We Have a Commentary: Laibach, "Opus Dei"

I never knew I needed a proper deconstruction of this album until I heard this podcast.
Alex Ross is the artist who created the character Von Bach. Incredible artist. He also has done a Let It Be inspired cover for (i believe) a fantastic four comic. Im not into comics, but i love alex ross’ work!
I’m honestly not a huge fan. I liked Marvels well enough when it came out, but I find his stuff stiff and overly photo-referenced. Also his Superman always looks really smug, which bugs me.