We Have a Technical 137: Tobey, You Raw

As we work through our Tofurkey comas, we find ourselves on hiatus until January 16th. There are umpteen Year End lists by other publications we’re flitting our way through, and getting the ol’ content monkey off our backs for a couple of weeks is welcome respite. But we aren’t letting you fine folks go cold turkey: it’s time for our much ballyhooed off-topic podcast, in which all of the films, books, video games, off-format music, and wrasslin’ we try to keep out of the regular flow of We Have A Technical is given full rein. It is, as always, an entirely self-indulgent exercise for which we make no apology. We’ll be back next week with a proper episode of the podcast before resuming our regular posting schedule the week after. As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below.