We Have a Technical 135: Cereal is Good

On the heels of their Forma Tadre commentary, Alex and Bruce take another trip back to 1996 to each Pick Five records from that illustrious year. They also comment on the recent news coming out of San Francisco’s DNA Lounge and have a wee tiny bit of end of year talk as we hurtle towards the 31st like an out of control nitro car full of clowns. As always, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below.
Since neither of you mentioned it let me endorse the most underrated scene album from 1996: Winter Fish Testtosterone by legendary darkwave/avant garde act Deine Lakaien.
This is perhaps their weirdest album, nonetheless it is amazing.
Funny you should mention the KLF, as this came across my social media feed this week:
Interesting to listen to. I can hardly remember any industrial music from the 90’s besides bands from the 80’s and COP International. It seemed like the doldrums of industrial music, not that anything was bad but that everything had started to sound the same to me. Now, the ‘big’ bands you would mention at the end, I wouldn’t really become aware of till I started going to Wave-Gothic-Trefeen after 2000. Then a whole world opened up for me.