We Have a Technical 130: Media Training

The enduring relevance of compilations to dark music is taken up in this week’s episode of We Have A Technical, be they archival, thematic, or charity comps. Also: new microphones! The dunces behind the I Die: You Die podcast have never sounded so clear! Plus some Patreon news, chat about the ridiculously good Roadburn line-up for 2017 and more of the tomfoolery that has made this website your source for chatter about dark music of all stripes. You can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below.
Would you please keep your political views and worldview far far away from the podcast. It is rather annoying and I am sure a good amount of people not in your vacuum of a worldview disagree with your points. As people with independent viewpoints on the world I view your analyse of current events rather over exaggerated. If the coin was on the other side I am not sure you would have been alarmed about the outcome even though it would have been similar in severity.
Also, I cannot take your political stance series because your views and scope is limited to liberal media, liberal news, liberal friends and not a deep exploration of the American political system. America is doing fine and not burning yet and would be great if IDIEYOUDIE would keep it hands off politics. If you want to keep friends and family never discuss politics and religion. I listen to music and podcast to get away from the political chatter and my daily qualms. So in the future could you keep your great vegan restaurants and slated liberals views out of the podcast.
Disclaimer777 with a Cherry on top.
That’ll be a big nope. Sorry if you aren’t into it, but it’s our podcast and will always reflect our political views and our interests.
The study and discussion of music (or any form of culture) is inseparable from the social climes which produce it. We’re not adherents of New Criticism and could not imagine trying to We Have A Technical’s subject matter in a political Faraday cage. If that’s a deal-breaker, I’m sorry, but it’s not changing.
“…what thus seems to take place outside ideology (to be precise, in the street), in reality takes place in ideology…That is why those who are in ideology believe themselves by definition outside ideology: one of the effects of ideology is the practical denegation of the ideological character of ideology by ideology: ideology never says, ‘I am ideological.'” – Althusser.
Bruce, yes it is inseparable from social climate we are currently in, however it seems more slanted to the liberal cause 99.9 % of the time. In the end you are just an echo chamber for the people who listen to your podcast. Most people cling to what reinforces their own beliefs, which is true for both sides. I am not here to change your views or really even shoot down your ideas. I just don’t think this is the best platform to disseminate your views. Start a political podcast or go complain like the masses on facebook/twitter….
“The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.” Lyle H. Rossiter
Please be political as much as you see fit, you are both very smart people with a valuable worldview that is appreciated by your core audience
I would say such a reaction is proof positive you absolutely need to keep political and personal commentary within the site. Or since literary theory is being thrown around, “The author is therefore the ideological figure by which one marks the manner in which we fear the proliferation of meaning.” Granted, I do agree with a majority of it, but even the ones I don’t–I’m not vegan, for example–show a significantly explored opinion and world view. Besides, half the reason I and I think a bunch of others give money to this podcast is because you guys make it a personal dialogue. If I wanted just music facts shouted at me there’s podcasts for that. Keep on, you two.
^^^What he said
This was a particularly great episode for me to hear today. your voices are more beautiful and pristine than ever. Ive got a lot of catching up to do now!
ever got your hands on the staalplat Sonderangebot comp? Personally, that was an awesome intro into more esoteric noise/weirdo/experimental electronic music. Muslimgauze, bad sector, deutsch nepal, et al… I think it was released to promote a festival of the same name in the netherlands or something.
Either way, i found my cd in a thrift store (value village?) years back. Because of that, and how little my musical sphere of influence was at the time, it occupies a special place in my heart, and reinforces the idea of comps serving as both tools of dissemination, artist and label promotion, as well as revealing a path into “uncharted” territory for others to explore. thought i would share.