We Have a Technical 98: Chokeslam Kids
Hola, friends! Between an all-night Leaether Strip road trip and general illness, we’re both feeling a bit rough and are therefore Skyping in to the HQ, but fear not, this week’s episode of the podcast comes with all of the nitpicking and putting over of Front 242 you’ve come to expect from this here outfit. On this week’s episode, we consider the art of the live set list. How long? Which hits? How much new stuff? Is the whole “playing a classic album in its entirety” thing played out? Thrill to the sounds of all this, the latest festival news, and two men doing their damnedest to keep their anger over Wrestlemania’s booking boil over into their entirely non-wrestling oriented podcast. You can rate and subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher, download directly, or stream from the widget down below!
I’m reminded that when I saw Modern English, they opened with “I Melt With You.” Like, I know their other stuff and like it, but it was kind of a moment like “Whoa. What are they gonna do now? Are people even going to stick around?”
Huh, and that’s gonna be an extreme shift given how much darker their other material is (or at least the other early stuff I know).