This week on We Have a Technical, Bruce and Alex go on at length about the club scene as it pertains to Our Thing. Changes in the music, style of promotion, the role of attendees, DJs, owners and the social incentives for going out dancing (and drinking!) are explored in the patented style of this, the official I Die: You Die podcast! Rate and subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher, download directly or stream from the widget below!
We Have a Technical 76: Hoagies in the Bathroom

“A naked chic wearing a gas mask crawling on a microchip”
i came very close to shooting my beverage through my nose when Alex said that.
Sadly, that example is drawn from a real story a friend told me…
Oh man, thanks for NOT playing the (horrible) VNV remix of Destillat… that is the number one played-to-death song that I can’t take anymore. Especially because there is a lot of other great stuff on Egodram (one of the best Das Ich albums, if you ask me) which I never heard played in a club even once.
(I’ve been thinking about writing a blog post about ‘great songs which never get played because there is that one big hit on the album’ for some time now, but every time I sit down to do it, I get so mad about Destillat that I can’t get it done.)