In this episode of the podcast, we’re taking up the subject of that most versatile, long-running, and yet unassuming of genres, darkwave. Whether tinged with ethereal, coldwave, electro-goth, or futurepop, the moody and melodic vibe of darkwave’s been a running thread throughout the last thirty-some years of dark music and goth and industrial cultures, and we felt it more than deserving of some discussion. Whether we reach any conclusions about the genre, or even a workable definition of it, is another matter entirely. We also talk a bit about the recent Peter Hook show here in Vancouver, as well as the passing of Ras DVA mainman Ric Laciak, and the legacy he’s left behind. Subscribe and rate on iTunes, download directly or stream from the widget below!
We Have a Technical #34: Snooki Bat Machine

Ric Laciak died? What a shame… His label may have been small and short-lived, but it certainly punched well above its weight. There Is No Time served me well as a gateway into previously unheard sounds all those years ago, and probably gave me the final push down the road to permanent industrial fandom, proving to me that there was plenty of good music left to discover and explore, if I only cared to look for it. Thanks for everything, Ric, and farewell.