We Have a Technical #17: Would I Kill a Drifter???

Hey amigos! It’s the 17th episode of our official podcast, coming straight to you from the gray climes of the ID:UD HQ in Downtown Vancouver. This week we’re talking remixes, their role in Our Thing and possible ways the practice has fallen off and could conceivably be rehabilitated. On the way we complain vociferously about underwhelming remix releases, wax nostalgic about the Remix Wars releases and generally have a lengthy and unfocused conversation on the topic. Hey, it’s a free podcast, we’re doing our level best here not to stink up the joint entirely. Subscribe and rate through iTunes, download directly from right here, or stream from the widget below!
01:48: A formative series of books, although the Schrödinger’s Cat Trilogy might be better in retrospect.
04:10: You can watch the whole of The New Order Story on Youtube now. It’s showing its age a bit (due to it have been released in 1993), but it’s still pretty great.
06:29: Alex wrote about Peter Hook’s various side-projects in the site’s first year.
09:47: Our 2014 wishlist, and the remix releases of note piece.
10:06: Read our take on the Nine Inch Nails/Coil Uncoiled release!
10:22: Okay fine, so Red Bull Music Academy seems like it would be bullshit, but this Razormaid article is fabulous.
17:05: Believe us, this record is just terrible.
21:39: That Deep Throat remix of “Religion” is pretty memorable we must say.
23:43: The guys from Tackhead did some work on there also.
25:35: “The Beach is not not Blue Monday” is not exactly insightful as these things go.
27:38: Remember a world without sampling laws?
29:50: This was for a Kirlian Camera mixtape we did ages ago. Holds up pretty good.
35:02: Strike 1: Fight!
40:32: Trent would, of course, tap Dre for “Even Deeper”.
41:25: True story. “That’s absolutely true!…I didn’t even bother listening to the song because I knew I’d hate it. Then I totally forgot all about it until the courier turned up to collect it. So I ran upstairs and gave him the first track I found. Strangely, they never released it. They should’ve been honoured, I reckon. It would have sounded better than any rubbish song they wrote.”
41:31: That’d be 26 Mixes For Cash.
42:56: Quick links: Suzanne Vega, “Tom’s Diner (DNA 12” Remix)”, James, “Say Something (Utah Saints Edit), Tanita Tikram, “Twist in My Sobriety (Tikaramp Radio)”.
43:35: Likeminded. Man, Bruce really fucked that up.
48:50: Well, maybe not the worst pillowtalk.
51:15: Read our interview with Andy, but more importantly buy his LPs if you haven’t already (including the recent and incredible The Music Of Erich Zann).
56:51:: Bruce was absolutely right: “Nihil”, “Pearls 2 Swine”, “Master Of Decay”, and “Dissent”. The latter’s been pulled from Vimeo, but trust us: it exists.
57:34: Cop this package stat.
The album version of Totmacher is one of my favourite :w: tracks. Never heard that 2CD remix release of it.
Great podcast. I’d credit KMFDM’s ‘Light’ single (recently reissued on vinyl) for bringing the ‘celebrity remixers + loads of mixes for one low price’ model to ‘our thing’.
Also, I always heard the Aphex Twin remix story associated with their ‘remix’ on NIN’s Further Down the Spiral, not the Lemonheads. With a little bit of google-fu I found that Richard D. James confirms the Lemonheads story (although he says it was never released), but I wouldn’t be shocked if he pulled that trick a few times.