We Have a Technical #16: You Ain't Nothin'

It’s Casual Friday on the podcast this week, as we take time off from interviewing people or placing albums under a microscope to talk about the history and goals of the website for those recently joining us, answer some questions from readers, and talk a little baseball, wrestling, and True Detective. Subscribe and rate us on iTunes, download directly, or stream from the widget below!
00:00: As with every episode, our theme music is “Black Cross (Dead When I Found Her Remix)” by ∆AIMON, available from Artoffact records.
01:05: It feels like an eternity doesn’t it? You can hear our faltering babysteps exclusively via the website, as we were not on iTunes at that time.
03:18: If you doubt our assessment, look at the electric energy apparent in these pics by friend of the site Graeme Foote!
05:20: Alex is referring to some blowback we got from Episode 8, where we discussed Puppy’s Weapon.
05:45: For information on Under the Spell, you can peep their Facebook page for upcoming events. Don’t forget to visit Night Profound and Funerary Call whilst you’re at it.
07:53: CVLT Nation is a website you should be reading!
10:02: You can read all the things we wrote about Encephalon here, and here! Record still kills.
14:28: La Gotha Nostra does not exist.
16:47: Be not too harsh in your assessment dear friends, we were young and unschooled in the ways of this world.
17:45: You can check out our interview with Alex Reed about his amazing book Assimilate: A Critical History of Industrial Music in Episode 7 of the podcast.
23:41: They were named “Inner Ear Infection” and “Def in June”, the latter of which is still the best name for a website ever in our humble opinion.
24:45: Shouts out to Brutal Resonance, Coma, and our pal Adam at A Model of Control who we neglected to mention here. Check the sidebar of the site for a bunch of other ID:UD approved sites.
28:10: Buy Drew Daniels’ book about 20 Jazz Funk Greats and Assimilate. Nowish would be good.
29:35: The ID:UD Dozen is a regular feature on our website! You should read it and leave some comments!
29:55: Bruce’s massive review of Rome’s even more massive triple album Die Æsthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit is a masterclass.
30:50: Thanks Nancy, Brant, and Michael! Please don’t get mad!
31:44: Read our interview with Scott from The Present Moment here, and check the remix AAIMON did for him here!
38:20: Wanna get a question in the next time we do a mailbag? E-mail us at contact@idieyoudie.com!
38:30: Check our review of Michael’s most recent album as [product] here!
40:40: We just wrote up a preview of what to expect on the ID:UD stage at Kinetik.
44:16: Hand to god, this was the first article we found when we clicked over to the H&M website.
45:05: Canadians were also very good at hating the queen.
45:58: See Rip It Up and Start Again for further details.
46:33: Check the next level shit Fostercare has been up to.
54:34: We implore you: if you have ever been interested in pro wrestling, check out the program that Antonio Cesaro and Sami Zayn have been working of late. Simply mindblowing.
54:44: The cautious and thoughtful Andrew Stoeten has been accused of being in the tank for Jays’ ownership by plenty of irate mouthbreathers for years. When he pulls out his poison pen you know the team’s fucked themselves royally.
55:45: MLW, the LAW, and Cheap Heat have you covered on the wrestling podcast tip.
57:00: How killer is this?
57:45: Check Sam’s forthcoming novel!
1:00:07 Download Comaduster’s version of “Far From Any Road” here.
Interesting discussion. Are there any subgenres or movements or scenes within industrial music that you view as clearly NOT part of Your Thing, for whatever reason? For example, I can’t recall any project that routinely gets described as “industrial noise” or “death industrial” or “power electronics” or whatever ever being reviewed on ID:YD (or ever appearing at Kinetik/Terminus), even though certain acts like Prurient and Pharmakon have received surprisingly decent levels of interest from the general music press in the past year. Is the lack of coverage for the “noisier” industrial styles out of personal dislike for them, a sense that they’re being adequately covered elsewhere, or just a sense that they’re not within the bounds of relevance to Your Thing?
A lot of the stuff we don’t write about is either because neither of us is interested in it, knows enough about it or (as you suspected) is getting enough attention from other outlets. Obviously a lot of stuff we cover bucks that last one (we talk about NIN and Puppy all the time), it’s actually totally arbitrary most of the time.
Thanks. I was curious because Your Thing really seems to be a lot of people’s Thing (seeing how there are two major festivals that pretty much entirely line up with it, lucky you guys!), and there practically seems to be at least two major subcultures of “industrial” fans/critics these days (noisereceptor.wordpress.com being a good example of a newer industrial-relevant blog/zine that has practically no overlap with this one). Personally, My Thing is kind of a random mix of stuff on both sides of the industrial subculture fence. I wonder how common that actually is? Like the podcast says, so much of the “conversation” that turns into the “history” of these genres goes unrecorded, and as both an industrial geek and a student of paleontology, I naturally want to put the fragments together to reconstruct the story the best I can. Like, the final C.O.M.A. fest in 2007 featured both Hocico and The Vomit Arsonist? That’s kinda nuts, from a 2014 point of view.
Just to additionally chime in: while there have been some noise/ish records we’ve written about, there have been others we’ve passed on because they were getting ink elsewhere (Dom doesn’t need our two cents, though the new VS is killer) or because we just didn’t get to them. Like Alex says, totally arbitrary. The end of CMI as a promotional organ may have something to do with it, who knows. I’d love to listen to/think about/write about more death industrial; if there’s ever another Mz.412 LP I’m right there.
What do you mean by “the end of CMI as a promotional organ”? There has never been a review of a CMI release on ID:YD.
Just that the label basically seemed to have wound down by the time we started up. I know it didn’t formally cease until recently, but things seem to have slowed to a crawl previous to that.