We Have a Technical 178: Dashiki

We’re making up for a couple of slightly shorter episodes with a doozy this week, folks. Alex talks about the fun he had in Los Angeles at Das Bunker 21 and lists some of the highlight performances from bands familiar and new! Also, Bruce gets real worked up about Blade Runner as the Senior Staff talk about the landmark film’s influence on industrial music and culture on this week’s episode of We Have a Technical. Yes, the senior staff have plenty to say about recent happenings and releases, and as luck would have it, they have a venue to hold forth on them. So pull up a chair, crack a beverage of some description and get ready for a particularly long edition of the official I Die: You Die podcast, straight from our gaping maws to your ears. Don’t forget, you can rate and subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, download directly or stream from the widget down below.
Aww, thanks for the mention guys. Just after finishing the podcast I received a text from my mother confirming that the evacuation order had been lifted for our neighborhood and that the danger had officially passed. It was an incredibly stressful week but at the end of it I turned out to be one of the lucky ones. The fires stopped about three miles from our house and no one I know personally was injured, although a teacher I knew in high school did lose her home. Shout out to you two and everyone on Telekon for their emotional support during this difficult time. <3
On an unrelated note, when I saw Blade Runner I thought it was visually gorgeous, and thought-provoking in an academic fashion, but overall I did not find it a particularly compelling movie from a story, acting, or character standpoint (with the obvious exception of Roy Batty, who utterly transforms the movie whenever he’s on screen). I will try to find time to rewatch it soon and see if my opinion changes.